
the SMART way

SMART Medical Systems is a pioneer in the development and manufacturing of medical devices, specializing in the field of gastroenterology and gastrointestinal endoscopy

G-EYE® Visualization

Haustral folds may make colonoscopy a challenging procedure. The G-EYE® colonoscope can assist in maintaining the field of view and positioning of the scope.

See all G-EYE® product features »

G-EYE® Therapy

While conducting resection of polyps, the G-EYE® anchoring feature can provide a stable position of the distal tip of the colonoscope.

See video »

G-EYE® Clinical Value

Both meta analysis and dedicated relevant and published clinical studies are offering conclusions on the clinical value of the G-EYE® colonoscope.

See published studies here »


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Standard of Care

I am using the G-EYE® balloon colonoscope as my daily routine for all my patients coming for colonoscopy.”

Dr.med Julian Holzhüter

We Have Equipped All of Our Five Colonoscopy Rooms with G-EYE®

In our hospital G-EYE® is the standard of care now.”

Professor Ullrich Graeven Kliniken Maria Hilf
Mönchengladbach, Germany

G-EYE® Study Presented at ACG 2021

In our study presented at ACG 2021, we found high polyp and adenoma detection rates with the balloon-assisted colonoscopy.”

Dr. Seth Gross
NYU Langone Medical Center

The G-EYE® is my preferred solution

I have been involved in development and worked with a lot of technologies used to facilitate colon visualization.”

Professor Zamir Halpern

Clinical Results

We have equipped our department with G-EYE® based on the robust results we were able to produce.”

Professor Haim Shirin
Assaf Harofeh MC

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